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Mandated Reporting

Mandated Reporting Information

All persons in Pennsylvania are encouraged to report known or suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect to the Department immediately after becoming aware of such abuse/neglect:  

Mandated reporters are required to report suspected abuse/neglect immediately. All clergy are mandated reporters, and any roles where you have regular contact with or responsibility for children. To find out if you are a mandated reporter:

Mandated reporters should report using the portal:

Anyone can report suspected child abuse to ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

For more information on Mandated reporting and in-depth training:

Thank you for your commitment to keeping a safe environment in our congregations and communities.

All volunteers and employees in the Episcopal Diocese of Central PA are responsible for following the Safe Church policies and procedures manual of the Diocese of Central PA as well as abiding by the PA child protection laws.

For more information, please contact (717) 236-5959 or email the Diocesan Office.