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Certificate Programs

The Deacon’s Path ______ 8.24 – 10.26


Oct 19 2022


7:00 pm




Stevenson School for Ministry


Stevenson School for Ministry

The Stevenson School for Ministry believes that discernment is deeply important for spiritual growth. Through discernment, we explore the range of vocations (diakonia, priesthood, lay ministry) in which we as the Body of Christ can engage. Discernment helps us learn to articulate the places where God is active in our lives through a process of listening, reflecting, and responding in circles of community. And, actively engaging in discernment helps us to identify our gifts for ministry while discovering new learning opportunities to serve God and our neighbor. The Stevenson School for Ministry is dedicated to the lifelong learning and discernment processes of all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and beyond. We seek to make theological education available to all, because we believe it to be essential to furthering the mission and ministry of the Church.

This 10-week online course is designed for those exploring the ministry of deacon and priest and is a requirement for those in the certificate program for the diaconate. The course includes an historical understanding of the role of deacon, as well as an exploration of the role of the deacon in the “Jesus Movement in the 21st century.


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