We are so honored to have a community of individuals and parishes who donate regularly to the school. They keep us running! And they keep us accountable. If you would like to become a friend of the Stevenson School for Ministry there are multiple ways you can help us.

Donate Today
Gifts by check can be made out to the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania with SSFM noted in the memo of the check.
Please mail to: The Episcopal Diocese of Central PA, 101 Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
Why Give?
The need for local training is critical to the mission and maintenance of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. 83% of our congregations can only afford half-time or quarter-time clergy leadership. Our diocese must continue to educate and deepen the spirituality to strengthen how we follow the Way of Love in a world that often struggles to love.
Please contact our Dean (mailto: for more information or additional ways to give.
Support Us Day-To-Day
+ Please Pray for Us
Our Community and Our Students – that we further God’s work in this time and in this place
+ Attend
Attend a course, workshop, or training and deepen your commitment to following God’s call for you!
+ Give What You Can
Please give what you can to support the good work of the school
+ Join us on Social
Please like and share our work on social media. Your personal influence goes a long way to help us fulfill our mission