Homiletics 1
Date | February 12 – April 29, 2024 |
Time | Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm EST OR Wednesdays, 7-8:00 pm EST |
Cost | $300 – credit $150 – audit |
Professor | The Rev. Dr. Adam Trambley |
Track of Study | Priest Certificate Deacon Certificate Lay Ministry Continuing Education |
This course is designed to enable the student to construct a sermon/homily rooted in the exegesis of assigned biblical passages. In addition, students will gain experience explaining and applying biblical passages and delivering a biblical sermon/homily. A year of a scriptural studies that include an exposition of exegetical methods is a pre-requisite for this course.
Discussions and exercises cover a stage-by-stage explanation of how preachers may think as they prepare to preach. The aim of the course is to help students understand what is required to preach effectively and to practice what they understand. Opportunities to preach and have their efforts recorded on video for playback and critique by the instructor is an essential element of this course.
It is strongly recommended that students take Homiletics 1 before taking Anglican Homiletics.
Scholarship funds to help you pay for this course are available if you can demonstrate need and if you are a member of a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Central PA. For information on scholarships please contact the Dean.
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