Lay Ministry
Interested in Exploring Lay Ministries?
All Christians are called to love and serve others. For some that takes the form of ordained ministry as a priest or deacon. For others there are a variety of ministries of the people in our dioceses, our parishes, or our communities. However, there are a distinctive set of ministries, provided for by our church’s canon law, that require training and licensure by your Bishop.
Preparation in the Stevenson School does not obligate the Bishop to grant a license, but rather provides a quality education experience that will form you spiritually and intellectually for the work.
These short training programs can be completed within a calendar year and provide the structure for explore the licensure as well as exposing you to other lifelong learning opportunities.
The Lay Ministry trainings are open to Episcopalians from any diocese! We welcome you to explore this path as you discern your church leadership and ministry possibilities! Have questions about this track?
Email us and schedule time for an information session.
What are the co-requisites for exploring lay ministry?
- Be a confirmed communicant in good standing at a parish.
- Complete the SSFM Becoming the Beloved Community course (or your diocese’s anti-racism training equivalent).
- Possess a current certification in Safe Church, Safe Communities.
- Attend SSFM Learning Workshops (three in the 2023-24 academic year).
Lay Worship Leader Training

Lay Worship Leader Licensure is given by bishops diocesan and diocesan commissions on ministry. The SSFM-provided training prepares lay leaders for this licensure. As written in the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church, the licensure provides… “a lay person who regularly leads public worship under the direction of the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.” The license, given by the Eccestical Authority, is authorized for a time-certain period, and then the individual needs to apply for renewal.
Course Requirements + Suggestions
Introduction Courses 2 required | Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures Introduction to New Testament |
Prayer Book Studies 1 required | Prayer Book Studies |
Trainings 2 required | Becoming Beloved Community or your diocese’s anti-racism training Safe Church, Safe Communities (current certification) |
Optional Courses 3 suggested | Anglican Approaches to Ministry Continuing Education in Scripture Study Continuing Education in Spiritual Practices |

Lay Preacher Training

Lay Preacher Licensure is given by bishops diocesan and diocesan Commissions on Ministry. The SSFM-provided training prepares lay leaders for this licensure. As written in the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church, the licensure provides… “a lay person authorized to preach. Persons so authorized shall only preach in congregations under the direction of the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.” The license, given by the Eccestical Authority, is authorized for a time-certain period, and then the individual needs to apply for renewal.
Course Requirements + Suggestions
Introduction Courses 2 required | Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures Introduction to New Testament |
Prayer Book Studies 1 required | Prayer Book Studies |
Homiletics 1 required | Homiletics 1 |
Trainings 2 required | Becoming Beloved Community or your diocese’s anti-racism training Safe Church, Safe Communities (current certification) |
Optional Courses 3 suggested | Anglican Approaches to Ministry Anglican Homiletics Continuing Education in Scripture Study Continuing Education in Spiritual Practices |

Lay Evangelist
We are developing an offering for this licensure. Please check back soon!
SSFM Learning Workshop
Three Learning Workshops are required for those in a vocational or lay discernment program. The half-day Learning Workshops are guided explorations on topics relevant to bringing ministry into context. Each workshop will be offered as a hybrid option – online or at various local diocesan gatherings.
Register Today
Find the courses and registration on our upcoming course page.