16 weeks since the diocesan “shut down”
108 days at home
2 trips to Williamsport
1 trip to Hawk Run
2 Saturday afternoon drives to get out of the house
10 loaves of sourdough bread
320 miles of running in our neighborhood
132 miles of walking in our town
72.38 miles on the AT
15% higher grocery store bills
12 rolls of toilet paper stocked on a shelf in the garage that have never been there before
6 rolls of paper towels next to the toilet paper
1 night of camping in the backyard in a tent
16 trips to the grocery store
3 trips to the post office
O trips to restaurants for take-out
336 home cooked meals
1 major diocesan initiative re-tooled and re-booted
16 weekly videos for the diocese.
45 different takes to achieve those weekly videos including 6 cat-interruptions
960 hours of computer time including approximately 400 hours of zoom meetings
7 zoom sermons, none of which were great
42 different worship services attended via the internet
23 videos and/or Facetime with my children and grandsons
9 nights in which I lay in bed seriously debating whether I could drive cross country to visit our girls
2 Netflix series watched
6 books started and finished
10 books in medias re
5 green tomatoes on the vine
1 burgeoning kale crop
6 pots of cheery annuals
1 woodland garden and 3 major weeding weekends
2 cases of poison ivy
1 bee sting
2 COVID self-haircuts
1 pair of pants bought on Amazon
1 pair of sandals bought on Amazon
1 gold chain bought on Amazon
1 package of miniature oil lamp wicks bought on Amazon
14 books bought on Amazon
2 graduation gifts sent to niece and nephew whose graduation ceremonies were cancelled
1 nephew’s birthday missed
1 grandson’s First Birthday missed
1 vacation home rental forfeited
2 trips to the gas station in 16 weeks
80 weekdays of Morning Prayer in my brown leather armchair
2 days of ‘cello practice in which I was reminded why this needs to be a daily practice and then stopped
20 days of playing the steel tongue drum that I bought on Amazon as a meditation practice
6 rainy mornings of Yoga with Adriane on YouTube in the basement
0 days of applying makeup
2 cranky days at staff meeting
35 episodes of frightening, existential despair
30,000 moments of deep gratitude and awareness of my exceptional privilege
1 unfinished jigsaw puzzle.
How’s it adding up for you?
Bishop Audrey – You have not lost your sense of humor! So – how about sharing some of your drawings too?