Welcome to the Bishop's Blog
On the Way   The Rt. Rev. Audrey Scanlan
The Wall

      There is a phenomenon in endurance sports called “hitting the wall.” When one “hits the wall” during  running, all sorts of interesting things can happen; knees can get wobbly, pace slows way down, the runner’s path may veer on and off the course, and  the mind may exhibit symptoms of confusion, disorientation, […]

the wall

  There is a phenomenon in endurance sports called “hitting the wall.” When one “hits the wall” during  running, all sorts of interesting things can happen; knees can get wobbly, pace slows way down, the runner’s path may veer on and off the course, and  the mind may exhibit symptoms of confusion, disorientation, panic and […]

In which the bishop does not write about clouds.

      Eight O’Clock AM:   Scene:  8:04 Friday morning. Bishop is sitting in leather armchair, sipping coffee and enjoying a light breeze coming through the opened sunporch door, is thumbing through poetry volumes, and reading Edna St. Vincent Millay and Percy Bysshe Shelly on the subject of clouds.  She muses about a nascent […]


  It is late (yes, it’s really 5:45 AM, but for me, that is “late” to rise and to begin writing my blog entry for the week)… It’s been a busier than usual week, including  the regular assortment of daytime meetings,  Convocation meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and a quick trip, yesterday, to Philadelphia […]

morning song

  Most mornings, I come downstairs well before the sun is up, say my prayers, scribble a line in my journal while the coffee brews, check the news headlines, and then leave for the gym.  In the past month, I’ve added “feed the kittens” to the routine, heating kitten formula in the microwave while the […]

wandering thoughts

  It’s been just a year since Glenn took a tumble down the pulpit steps at Mt. Hope Church, severing his quadriceps.  Faithful to a hard regimen of PT, he is recovered, and we are ready to begin the season’s hiking.  We will concentrate on the AT section from the Maryland border to our house. […]

been away

  I’ve been away this week at the College for Bishops in my third and final year of the “Living our Vows” conference. Each new bishop is required to participate in week long retreats in three successive years for their early formation in their new role. Some of the subjects that we’ve studied in three […]

What’s in a name?

    If you follow me on Face Book, you know that in the last week we got two new kittens.  They came from parishioners at St. John’s, Carlisle, who have a farm and a barn and…. barn cats.  This spring, the harvest was prolific:  three litters!  And so, we had our pick of about […]


  I’m supposed to be in Texas right now. I’m supposed to be at a meeting of General Convention Legislative Committee Chairs learning how to receive, refine, and process resolutions for my committee, Committee #15, the Legislative Committee on Ministry ( all things related to Title III in our canons) for our upcoming convention in […]

One Body?

“Creeping Congregationalism”   “The Call to Maximize Identity”   These are a couple of the phrases that were tossed around this week as I met with one of our diocesan committees.   The name and work of the committee is not germane to this discussion as much as the topic that was discussed; it was the […]

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