Bishop Out of the Box

About Bishop Out of the Box

It’s easy to get stuck, to wonder about what we can do to let people know about God’s love, to feel like what we are doing just isn’t working. Many times the key to overcoming this “stickiness” is by experimenting, feeling free to fail, taking low-key risks, and getting “out of the box.”

Each month, Bishop Scanlan and Canon Morrow head out into the community to showcase easy ways to share God’s love, easy ways to live out The Way of Love, and easy ways to get “out of the box.”

For questions, contact the Rev. Canon Dan Morrow, Please check this page regularly for the latest Bishop Out of the Box updates! #BishopOutoftheBox

COVID-19 Update

With all of the changes due to the Covid-19 virus, planning for future Bishop Out of the Box activities is challenging. However, please stay tuned for further updates and future events. We pray that everyone stays safe and healthy during this time.

November 2020

For our November event, we hosted a gathering on Facebook Live. Bishop Scanlan was in conversation with special guests in an “Hour of Gratitude.”

You can view the recording on our Facebook page.

October 2020

In October, four evenings were set aside in for the Bishop and members of her staff to have conversation with those from around the diocese(and beyond) on topics of God, faith, scripture, Evangelism, Church administration, and prayer.

September 2020

For this year’s September Bishop Out of the Box event, we invited all members of our diocese to a spiritual bingo challenge, an opportunity to grow spiritually and win prizes. You can still download the card here.

July 2020

Bishop Scanlan hosted a series called “Faith Seeking Understanding: Honest Conversations about Race.” In this series, prompted by our country’s present moment of political and racial tension and unrest, we listened for the voice of hope as we seek a way forward in reconciliation and justice.

You can find the recordings of these talks on our Facebook page.


The bishop spoke with these guests:

July 2, 7:30 PM
The Rt. Rev. Nathan Baxter, X Bishop of Central Pennsylvania and Mr. Anthony Alexander, President of the Nathan Baxter Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians, Episcopal Diocese of Central PA.

July 9, 7:30 PM
The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Stewardship of Creation.

July 16, 7:30 PM
The Rev. D. Marie Tribble, Pastor of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Lemoyne, PA, Counselor and Founder of Face-2-Face Ministries working to help people achieve “emotional justice” after trauma.

July 23, 7:30 PM
Mr. Drew G.I. Hart, professor at Messiah College, theologian, blogger, and activist will discuss his book The Trouble I’ve Seen; Changing the Way the Church Views Racism (2016) and will offer ideas and practices for those who seek solidarity with the oppressed and are committed to racial justice.

May 2020

On Wednesday nights in May, Canon Morrow and Bishop Scanlan hosted Community Prayer Circles as the new “Virtual Bishop out of the Box” event.

They led prayer and conversation time on Zoom for people in these affinity groups:

  • May 6: School Teachers
  • May 13: Health Care and other Essential Workers
  • May 20: Parents working from Home/others working from Home
  • May 27: Students



February 2020

On February 26 at the State Capitol, Bishop Scanlan, Rev. Canons Morrow and Streeter, and the Very Rev. Robyn Szoke distributed Ashes to state workers in the Capitol Rotunda, East Wing.


December 2019

Numerous cars drove by our Live Nativity Scene, held at St. Andrew’s in the Valley, Harrisburg. The evening included Bishop Scanlan, St. Nicholas, a singing choir of angels, numerous farm animals, and Percy the Camel. 


May 2019

Everyone was invited to attend a service of Compline under the stars in Coudersport with The Rt. Rev. Audrey Scanlan and the Rev. Canon Dan Morrow at Cherry Springs State Park.


April 2019

In April, Bishop Scanlan and the Rev. Canon Dan Morrow went to Christ Episcopal Church, Williamsport. The West Branch Convocation was invited to assemble blessing bags for the Saving Grace Women’s Shelter and the American Rescue Workers Men’s Shelter.

March 2019

In March, Bishop Out of the Box took place on Ash Wednesday and was part of Ashes to Go.

To read the PennLive article, click here.

To watch the abc27 coverage, click here.


January 2019

At St. Andrew’s in the City, Harrisburg, in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., people were invited to help paint and color an outline of  Dr. King on a giant canvas, and wrote their answers to the questions on paper scrolls, providing an answer to the question, “What is your dream?”

December 2018

Our December event was a Live Nativity Scene at St. Andrew’s in the Valley, Harrisburg.

If you were unable to attend, don’t fret! We made a video of the event! To watch, click here.


November 2018

The Nov. 21. Bishop Out of The Box was a walk-about at the Lancaster Central Market from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  We interviewed market vendors and customers on camera and asked the following questions; “What are you grateful for this year?” and “What are your hopes for the future?” We compiled the interviews into two separate videos. We released the videos on social media and on our website on Thanksgiving Day.

Watch below.

In the second video, we asked people  “What are your hopes for the future?”

September 2018

In September, Bishop Out the Box was an Agape Love Feast along the Susquehanna River in downtown Harrisburg. St. Stephen’s Episcopal School Children stopped by for a visit. We were able to talk to and pray with passers-by.