Shaped by Faith
Celebrating our Stories Webinar Series
Wednesday, April 28,
May 5, 12, 19 & 26
6:00-7:00 pm
Join us for five webinars on Wednesday evenings in late April and May to learn how to create space to hear again the stories of our faith communities.
April 28th – Creating a parish archive – Debbie Robelen, Diocesan Archivist, will talk about how to create and maintain your parish archive, even on a shoe-string budget.
Click here to download the Creating a parish archive presentation slides
May 5th – Gathering your oral history – Amy Skillman, Academic Director, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD – Ms. Skillman is a professional folklorist, specializes in working with community groups to preserve their traditions.
Learn more at: Cultural Sustainability Faculty | Goucher College
May 12th – Writing your parish history – Join Diocesan leaders for a discussion on the history and stories that have helped to shape our community of faith.
May 19th – Telling your parish’s stories – Representatives from St. James, Lancaster and St. John’s, Huntingdon will speak with Canon Chris Streeter about creating a history exhibit for your parish.
May 26th – Celebrating our Stories – The Right Rev. Sean Rowe, Bishop of the Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York will offer his experience in leading multiple dioceses of the Episcopal Church, emphasizing the importance of celebrating and honoring our usable history to build our future in faith.
To attend any or all of these sessions, please use this ZOOM link:
Webinar ID: 942 1780 8554
Please note: the link is the same for all five sessions. We invite you to attend the sessions that are most relevant to you and your community.
Please contact The Rev. Canon Chris Streeter with any Shaped by Faith questions.