- 101 Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
- (717) 236-5959
- info@diocesecpa.org
During this time of disorientation, uncertainty, and change, God’s call to us has not changed: as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be a people of faith, hope, and love. Our faithful response to that call depends on discerning how the Spirit is at work in our individual lives and in the communities to which we belong.
As members of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, each of us has a part to play in God’s unfolding future. Every voice counts. To that end, and under Bishop Scanlan’s directive, a COVID-19 Theology and Ecclesiology Task Force has been assembled. The purpose of the Task Force is to provide a venue for all people in our Diocese to process the effect the virus has had on our spiritual lives and theological thinking, to record the liturgical and social changes we experience as Church in this unprecedented time, and to offer theologically sound guidance as we continue to move through this crisis together.
It is in this spirit that we invite you to reflect on how God has been moving in your life and community during this time of disruption related to the COVID-19 pandemic. What have you learned – about yourself, your community, your relationship with God during these past few months? These and other questions can guide us in gaining a deeper awareness of God’s work in and through us, and they can help us to discern the ways in which God invites us to co-create a hopeful future with God.
Our primary vehicles for doing this faithful work are threefold. First, the Task Force will record discernible changes in liturgy and parish life through a widely distributed survey. The survey will give us important information about how we have been responding to the challenges of this time.
Secondly, the survey will be followed by numerous focus groups. The first set of focus groups will happen simultaneously with the survey, using the first set of questions below. As areas of interest develop from the survey, further groups will explore these findings. In addition to providing opportunities to explore survey themes in a more intentional, focused way, by their nature, focus groups tend to inspire necessary and life-giving systemic change.
Session I is an opportunity to ascertain how our churches responded faithfully during COVID-19 in the areas of Worship, Pastoral Care, Christian Formation, Children & Family, and Youth.
Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F2FHH7T
Register for the meeting here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeUO90c1rnI3VCQLN_yvQRxiwzycb0mIpRQYBkE98l1dIzVQ/viewform