If youare unable to attend, the service will be livestreamed The Zoom linkis: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85694273188?pwd=cnlJSk1FRUgrWFVhYm1LSm9mU2FTZz09 Clergyare invited to vest and process wearing Red Stoles RSVP by August 15, 2021Rev. Allison Carnahan, 125 E. MainStreet, Bloomsburg, PA 17815allison.carnahan01@gmail.com or priestassociatestpauls@gmail.comDonations can be made to the: PriestAssociate’s Discretionary Fund, St. Paul’s BloomsburgA bus will be provided & pickup locations […]
This two-hour Zoom webinar will be presented on August 28 from 10 am – noon by The Rev. Kevin Barron and The Rev. Carla Christopher Wilson.Our goal is to find pathways for restorative justice and spiritual practices by creating space for conversations and learning to go deeper into our struggles with dismantling racism and our […]