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Eastertide Bible Study

Easter joy in the midst of a pandemic: Bible Study and Conversation Join Bishop Scanlan and Canon Morrow in “this joyful Eastertide” online Bible Study through Facebook Live on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm to learn from our Holy Scripture and each other as we join for study, conversation, and prayer. No previous experience in Bible […]

Eastertide Bible Study

Easter joy in the midst of a pandemic: Bible Study and Conversation Join Bishop Scanlan and Canon Morrow in “this joyful Eastertide” online Bible Study through Facebook Live on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm to learn from our Holy Scripture and each other as we join for study, conversation, and prayer. No previous experience in Bible […]

Webinar with Gina Campbell

Are you ready to take a deeper dive into navigating change through mission and leadership in the church? Are you a part of the Diocesan Shaped by Faith initiative? Do you want to learn more about and apply family and church Bowen Theory and leadership concepts?This free online workshop with The Rev. Dr. Gina Campbell […]