- 101 Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
- (717) 236-5959
- info@diocesecpa.org
During this time of disorientation, uncertainty, and change, God’s call to us has not changed: as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be a people of faith, hope, and love. Our faithful response to that call depends on discerning how the Spirit is at work in our individual lives and in the communities […]
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. https://zoom.us/j/96227939945 Description: Mission vs. Sustainability Special Guest: The Rt. Rev. Audrey Scanlan Or join by phone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 […]
During this time of disorientation, uncertainty, and change, God’s call to us has not changed: as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be a people of faith, hope, and love. Our faithful response to that call depends on discerning how the Spirit is at work in our individual lives and in the communities […]
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING- Honest Conversations about RaceJoin Bishop Scanlan on Thursday nights in July as sheinvites special guests to speak with her about race and institutional racism inour local context.In this series, prompted by our country’s present moment ofpolitical and racial tension and unrest, listen for the voice of hope as weseek a way forward in […]
During this time of disorientation, uncertainty, and change, God’s call to us has not changed: as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be a people of faith, hope, and love. Our faithful response to that call depends on discerning how the Spirit is at work in our individual lives and in the communities […]
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. https://zoom.us/j/96227939945 Description: Anglican Identity: Spirituality & Temperament Special Guest: The Rev. Canon Dan Morrow Or join by phone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 […]
Description:During this time of disorientation, uncertainty, and change, God’s call to us has not changed: as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be a people of faith, hope, and love. Our faithful response to that call depends on discerning how the Spirit is at work in our individual lives and in the communities […]
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING- Honest Conversations about RaceJoin Bishop Scanlan on Thursday nights in July as sheinvites special guests to speak with her about race and institutional racism inour local context.In this series, prompted by our country’s present moment ofpolitical and racial tension and unrest, listen for the voice of hope as weseek a way forward in […]