Struck by Sincerity

Today, I sat in on the Structure & Governance committee during a discussion of legislation proposed by the task force I participated in for 3 years, about whether to continue the province structure within the Episcopal Church.  The discussion echoed many of the issues we struggled with in the task force. This is not an easy issue – some find the province infrastructure critical to their mission while others see no value at all. I was struck once more with the sincerity of all involved and the desire to make the best use of our limited resources.

In addition, I am on the Credentialing Committee, which certifies that each diocese is properly represented. Today we also acquired a new, unexpected responsibility involving ensuring certain votes are accurately recorded. It was exciting to watch the team identify the issues involved, ways to deal with them & then go to work – all within 10 minutes.

This is my 4th General Convention (2 with ECW & 2 as a deputy) and as always, one of the highlights for me has always been the community worship service. All attendees & visitors to convention are welcome and the huge worship area becomes filled with moving music, a variety of languages and an energy that shows the potential within our church. The high point is hearing PB Curry’s sermon, of course!

Later, meeting with our diocesan representation, I can see how much of this energy & excitement can translate into action in our diocese.

Bonnie Chambers

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