“Beating of the Bounds” at Bangor Church, Narvon

This year Rogation Sunday falls on May 5, 2024.  Bishop Scanlan will join Bangor Church in Narvon for the 4:00 PM outdoor liturgy.  In addition to the traditional “Beating of the Bounds” and blessing of animals, seeds, and soil, she will dedicate the new memorial foundations of the 1755 stone colonial church. The Bishop will also dedicate the new “Fr. Pete’s Pet Garden,” in memory of the Rev. Canon Peter Greenfield, rector of Bangor Church 2003-2207.  Fr. Pete’s Pet Garden will receive the burial of pet ashes. 
Those attending are encouraged to bring folding chairs and pets for the blessing.  The Women of Bangor will serve a lite dinner following the 30-minute service. 
"Beating of the Bounds," Bangor Church, Narvon

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