Diocesan Leadership Roles
Behind the scenes in our diocese are people who generously offer their time and talents to serve the Church. These lay and ordained volunteers do a major portion of important work for the Standing Committee, The Council of Trustees, and The Disciplinary Board for the Diocese of Central PA. They willingly offer their time in acknowledgment that their ordination vows and Baptismal Covenant call them to serve God with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind.
Will you join this committed corps of diocesan ministry volunteers? Please prayerfully consider putting your name forward for one of these elected positions or nominate a colleague whom you know and respect. The deadline for nominations is June 18, 2024. This is not just a chance to serve, but also an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.
A Diocesan Committee Leadership Brochure explains various positions for election each year at Convention. To view the brochure, click here. To view the detailed information on Diocesan Leadership Roles found on our website, click here.
Additional Non-Elected Committee opportunities are available on the Resolutions Committee and Nominating Committee by appointment of the Bishop. If you would like to let the Bishop know you are interested in either of these Leadership opportunities, click here.
We look forward to your response and are grateful for your support.
Amy Swiernik
Safe Church, Safe Communities Assistant &
Diocesan Nominations Committee Chair
The Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
101 Pine St.
Harrisburg, PA 17108
cell: (717) 682-1827