Courtesy Resolutions 2022
The Report of the Committee on Courtesy Resolutions for the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, October 13th, 2022
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania adopt the following courtesy resolutions to be submitted into the record of this 152nd Convention:
On the Right Reverend Audrey and Glenn Scanlan
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania express its thanksgiving to The Right Reverend Audrey Scanlan and her husband, Glenn, for their ministry among us, with our prayers for the blessing of our Lord upon them, their family, and their ministry in Jesus’ name in our midst.
On Convention Coordinators Canon Alexis Guszick, Nichol Free, with Jason Chmiola
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania express its gratitude to Ms. Alexis Guszick, Canon for Diocesan Events and Communications, and Ms. Nichol Free, Associate for Events, in planning and coordinating this convention, with special thanks to Mr. Jason Chmiola for his IT support.
The Right Reverend Nathan and Mary Ellen Baxter
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania express its affection and appreciation to The Right Reverend Doctor Nathan D. Baxter and Mary Ellen Baxter in their retirement with our prayers for their abundant health, strength, and joy in the years to come.
The Right Reverend Michael and Betty Creighton
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania express its affection and appreciation to The Right Reverend Michael and Betty Creighton in their retirement, with our prayers for their abundant health, strength, and joy in the years to come.
The Right Reverend Charlie and Alice McNutt
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania express its affection and appreciation to The Right Reverend Charlie McNutt and Alice McNutt, who continue to share in the life and ministry of this diocese while in retirement, offering our prayers for abundant health, strength, and joy in years to come.
On the office of the Presiding Bishop
BE IT RESOLVED that this 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania extend its greeting and thanksgiving to our Presiding Bishop, The Most Reverend Michael B. Curry with our prayers for God’s blessing in his ministry among us and for his continued health and wellbeing.
Greetings extended to the President of the House of Deputies
BE IT RESOLVED that this 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania extend its greeting to Ms. Julia Ayala Harris, President of the House of Deputies, in thanksgiving for her ministry to the Church and continued prayers for God’s blessing in her ministry.
On Clergy Newly Ordained in the Diocese
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania congratulate and welcome clergy who have been ordained in the past year, who are:
- The Reverend Donna Barthle, deacon (November 2021) and priest (May 2022), Calvary Chapel, Beartown and Church of the Transfiguration, Blue Ridge Summit
- The Reverend Kevin Wayne Barron, priest, St. Luke’s, Altoona and Associate for Congregational Vitality and Shaped by Faith, Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
- The Reverend Bradley L. Mattson, deacon (November 2021) and priest (May 2022), Hope Episcopal Church, Mount Hope
- The Reverend Alyssa R. Pasternak Post, deacon (January 2022) and priest (July 2022), St. John’s, York
- The Reverend Edward Barse Christopher, deacon, St. Andrew’s, State College
- The Reverend Martha Lester Harris, deacon, St. Paul’s, Columbia
- The Reverend Jennifer L. Trenary, deacon, St. John’s, Lancaster
On Clergy New to the Diocese
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania extend its welcome to clergy new in our diocese since the last convention, who are:
- The Reverend June Allison St. Louis
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this convention extend our prayers for God’s blessing in their ministry in Christ’s Name among us.
Memorial Resolutions
BE IT RESOLVED that the 152nd Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania remember with thanksgiving those who have served in our diocese and have gone before us into God’s nearer presence, more especially those whom we recollected previously today in the reading of the necrology list of the Diocese, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the names of those there recollected today be read into this resolution for publication in the 2022 Journal of the Diocese more particularly remembering Rev. William Archer; Charles (Chuck) Banks, Esquire, Chancellor Emeritus of the Diocese; the Rev. and Mrs. Harold Bishop; the Rev. Canon Jeremy William Bond; Robert Brown; Drew France, son of the Rev. Canon Andy France; the Rev. Peter Greenfield; Rebecca Harris, wife of the Rev. Canon Stephen D. Harris; the Rev. John Hoover; Steven F. Killough; Lou Rene Myers; the Rev. John Symond; and the Rev. Canon David Shoulders, priest.
The Reverend Jeffrey A. Packard, chair
Courtesy Resolutions Committee