Bishop Scanlan’s Weekly Video – 11/20/20
20 November 2020 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan shares her gratitude for all the work that our diocese has done and that “she believes
20 November 2020 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan shares her gratitude for all the work that our diocese has done and that “she believes
13 November 2020 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan explains triskaidekaphobia and how fears and phobias of Friday the 13th relates to God’s providence. Watch
Feast of All Saints1 November 2020 Dear Members of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, On this day in which we celebrate the saints of the Church- those who have
10/30/20 – Bishop Scanlan’s Weekly Video 30 October 2020 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan explains All Saints Day, Halloween, and “souling.” Watch below.
Bishop Scanlan talks about how we are living in community during this time of stress and how we can create a more gracious space for each other.
Bishop Scanlan shares Diocesan Convention information and also talks about Anglican Identity.
Bishop Scanlan talks about the needs of children and families during Coronavirus and the importance of “going back to basics.” Watch below.
Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan shares a few ideas on how we are to move forward during this time. Watch below.
Bishop Scanlan hopes that together, we can “move forward with hope and good spirits” during this difficult and challenging time. Watch below. The COVID-19 Task Force on Theology and Ecclesiology
In Bishop Scanlan’s weekly video, she shares Episcopal Haikus, petitions for your prayers for Diocesan Convention, but, most importantly, she wants to remind you that you matter. Watch below.