Bishop Scanlan’s Weekly Video – 9/8/23
8 September 2023 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, This week, Bishop Scanlan shares a weekly video from her hotel room in St. Louis, Missouri, as she
8 September 2023 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, This week, Bishop Scanlan shares a weekly video from her hotel room in St. Louis, Missouri, as she
Bishop Scanlan’s Visitation for 2023 – 2025 has been updated. To view, click here.
Bishop Scanlan shares her Easter 2023 video from St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral in Harrisburg, PA.
31 March 2023 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, As Bishop Scanlan prepares for her sabbatical following Holy Week, she shares one of the things that she
24 March 2023 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, From Ulysses, PA, Bishop Scanlan, and Deacon Stuart Scarborough talk about the exciting plan for a retreat center
7 March 2023 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan continues the Lenten Series by talking about caring for our environment. Watch below. We invite
We, the bishops of the Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania: The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutierrez, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania; The Rt. Rev. Kevin D. Nichols, Bishop
Ash Wednesday 2023 Dear Members of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, Over the course of the last few days, I had several errands to run- pharmacy, grocery store, hardware store-
17 February 2023 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan and special guest Canon Anthony Alexander invite your participation in the Lenten Series – God’s Church
10 February 2023 Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA, Bishop Scanlan wraps up her five-week series on various parts of The Lord’s Prayer. In her final