
A Little Child Shall Lead Them—Every Generation Matters

Giving children space and freedom to wonder, to come closer to God and to share the language system of sacred stories, rituals, and prayer is about our deep identity as followers of Christ. Are we willing to do the work to engage children in their spirituality as we are called to do all in our power to support them?

Children and Advocacy

The church is called to love, shelter, protect and defend children within its community and the world, especially those who are abused, neglected or in danger.

Preparing for Vacation Bible School

Safe Church

Click on the above link for information about the diocese’s Safeguarding policies and procedures.

In response to the Safe Church Model Policies that were adopted in 2017, The Task Force to Develop Model Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies & Safe Church Training has created a new training series called “Safe Church, Safe Communities.” 

These guidelines were developed through the Office of Pastoral Response, the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut. The Diocese is grateful for the work and generosity of the Connecticut Conference of United Church of Christ for developing and sharing Internet Safety Guidelines, upon which these guidelines are based.

For questions or to share additional resources, contact Micalagh Moritz, Canon for Children, Youth & Families,

Table of Contents