Creation Care Project Funding Available

Creation Care Project Funding Available

The Creation Care Committee of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania wants to fund your creation care project! We invite you to share your plans with us for 2023. 

Perhaps you are planting a garden, installing alternative energy or finding ways to reduce your energy consumption, planting native trees, installing a stormwater mitigation practice, hosting an environmental education program, or advocating for an environmental issue in your community. Or maybe it’s something entirely different. Regardless, we would love to help you do it!

We anticipate funding about ten projects at about $300 this year. Individual projects will receive varied funding depending on need, with a maximum of $500 being granted per project. Interested individuals/groups/parishes are encouraged to apply, with endorsement from church leadership.


  • Your project must be implemented by December 1, 2023.
  • Projects must be led by and in support of an Episcopal parish/ministry located in the Central Pennsylvania Diocese.
  • This funding must be used in support of a specific project and not the generic work of a creation care team.
  • If your project receives funding, you commit to delivering a short written report back to the Creation Care Committee by December 31st, 2023.


Applications open: March 23, 2023
Applications close: May 31, 2023
Application review begins: June 1, 2023
Funding decisions announced: June 30, 2023

If you have questions about this form or are seeking additional resources to support planning a creation care project, please reach out to the lead of our Creation Care Committee, Katie Ruth at

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