New Diocesan Staff Appointment: Canon for Children, Youth and Families and Safeguarding Administrator

We are excited to announce that Micalagh Moritz has accepted the full-time position of Canon for Children, Youth and Families and Safeguarding Administrator and will join the diocesan staff beginning Monday, February 27, 2023.

Micalagh majored in Human Development & Family Science at Messiah University and later continued on to receive her Master of Social Work from Temple University. She has worked with youth, families, and young adults in many different settings, including several schools and universities, after-school programs, mental health settings, and non-profits, both locally and abroad.

Micalagh was most recently in the role of Director of Youth & Young Adult Formation at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral, and before that, served as the Program Director for the Sycamore House, an Episcopal Service Corps program.

She is passionate about helping to create healing spaces for people to grow and learn, exploring the intersections of faith and justice, and building bridges between people of various backgrounds. She is also passionate about spiritual formation as an integral part of building community.

Micalagh lives in Harrisburg with her husband and two kids, where you might find her taking walks by the river or at a local park, or enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. To contact Canon Moritz, email

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