Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Visit to our diocese to be postponed to 2022


Dear Members of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, 

In conversation this week with the Presiding Bishop’s office, we have come to the mutual decision to move our Pastoral Visit with Bishop Curry from October 22-24, 2021 to June 10-12, 2022.  This shift in dates is in response to the rising infection rates of the COVID-19 virus and the difficulty in creating a safe environment for all of us to worship, pray and learn together. The Delta variant is posing some new challenges with break-through infections and we want to protect the least among us, including our children and aged.   

I know that it is disappointing to hear once again of a postponement of a major event. This decision was made after considerable dialogue and prayer. Both the Presiding Bishop and I want to avoid any chance that gatherings as we had planned for his visit would be the cause of further spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

I am grateful that the Presiding Bishop has made time for our visit later in this program year when we can, we hope, celebrate together the bounty of our life and mission here in Central Pennsylvania. 

Canon Guszick will be in touch with those who were already underway with planning for the Presiding Bishop’s visit. Please stay safe and be well.

The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan
XI Bishop

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