The Countdown to World Refugee Day is On!


12 June 2022

World Refugee Day

So much has happened in our world, even just within the last year. The United States is one of the many places that has become a new home to refugees. In the past few years alone, the central Pennsylvania area has become home to refugees from Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Ukraine and so many other places. 

Each year on June 20th, as designated by the United Nations, we celebrate World Refugee Day to recognize refugees for their strength and courage having been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. 

This week, the Diocese will honor the refugee stories of our own community; we will be posting some of these stories on our Facebook page every day this week, leading up to World Refugee Day on June 20th. Read short articles about the experiences and viewpoints of people involved with refugee resettlements within our communities. You can follow along with us by following our Facebook page, @diocpa, or following our page here:

We also invite you to take a few moments to research and learn about the work that our parishes and parishioners have done recently to help our refugee neighbors and see projects where you can get involved.

Diocesan Migration Ministry Resources Committee

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