Youth Ministry News

Update on our Diocesan Youth Ministry Task Force Work

Interviews are being held with youth in local congregations who are invited to respond to questions of losses and longings. At this time we have completed 12 interviews with young people from 8 different congregations and are in the process of continuing those interviews.

Learnings so far:
1)     A need to equip and resource congregations to disciple their youth, in addition to (or instead of) providing centralized youth programming.
2)     Youth ministry is shifting toward intergenerational approaches in places where youth ministry is successful.
3)     A need to clarify communications and build trust across the diocese as a resource for developing and supporting local congregations in the discipleship of youth.
4)     Our congregations love youth and long for their presence in our communities.

We are working to update our resources and develop ways for better communication. 

Resources for You, Your Family, and Your Congregation

One of the great concerns of the 21st century is how we address the challenges of faith formation among teenagers and their families. Therefore, we have invited Michael Droege to engage us in conversation and learning about faith formation for families, teens, and children. Each module contains 5 weeks of online gatherings for some open discussion, teaching, and practical ways to serve our young people and families post-pandemic. 

The Stevenson School for Ministry offers and registration will soon be open:
Module I Family Faith Formation  begins the week of January 4th
Module II Adolescent Faith Formation begins the week of February 14th
Module III Intergenerational Faith Formation begins the week of March 21

Please stay tuned for more information.

Faith Formation Ideas—Equipping Our Congregations

Faith in an Anxious World: A 4-week module by Fuller Institute for Youth that empowers leaders with language and tools to respond to young people in their care, making anxiety a part of conversations about discipleship and holistic, faithful living:

The Way of Love for Families: As a family you may already follow a spiritual discipline of praying at meals or before bedtime, regularly reading from the Bible together, or engaging in acts of kindness toward others. If so, build upon what we offer here; if not, we offer a way to begin:

Dismantling Racism Youth Curriculum: From the Diocese of Atlanta and the Absalom Jones Center. The Diocese of Central PA has as one of its top priorities Becoming Beloved Community. Consider this curriculum for your youth leaders and young people. Virtual training is now available:

For more information, contact Mary Ellen Kilp, or (717) 475-2785. Scholarships are available for youth and children’s programs. For scholarship information, contact Dean Robyn Szoke-Coolidge,

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