Diocesan Convention 2021

The 151st Annual Diocesan Convention

Diocesan Convention took place on Thursday, October 14 from 6 to 9 pm on Zoom Webinar. If you missed Bishop Scanlan’s important Fall Convocation Meeting presentation regarding five strategic priorities for the future of our diocese, please watch below.

Clergy and delegates attended the Convention via Zoom webinar. Alternates and all others were able to watch the event through the diocesan Facebook page.

Registration info for clergy and delegates and alternates: Business meeting login time was available at 5:00 PM. Signing in at 5 PM allowed us to ensure that there are no technical problems and to confirm that there is a quorum present at the very beginning of the meeting. Registration links were sent to all Clergy and delegates the week of 10/14/21.

[vc_video link=”https://issuu.com/diocpa/docs/convention_packet”]

The 151st ANNUAL DIOCESAN CONVENTION Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania OCTOBER 14, 2021 6:00 – 9:00PM (By Zoom Webinar)

5:00      Login to meeting available

6:00      Housekeeping announcements, online protocol, voting explanation etc.

Welcome, Opening Prayer & Bishop Declares Convention Open, Calls Business Session to order Ratifying Resolution

6:15      Election of Officers of Convention Claims of Those Entitled to Voice and Vote Explanation of Rules of Order Announcement of Tellers and Voting Instructions

6:25      Report of the Nominating Committee and Opening of the First Ballot

6:35      Break

6:45      Report of the Resolutions Committee

7:45      Finance Committee Report

  • Budget Presentation and Resolution
  • Clergy Compensation Resolution

8:50      Bishop’s Address

9:05      Election Results Appointment of date and place of next Annual Convention October 14 & 15, 2022 – Spooky Nook, Manheim

Unfinished Business

Motion to Destroy Electronic Voting Data Closing


Motion to Adjourn Dismissal

Information regarding Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Visit to our diocese
On 8/26/21, we came to the mutual decision to move our Pastoral Visit with Bishop Curry from October 22-24, 2021 to June 10-12, 2022.  This shift in dates is in response to the rising infection rates of the COVID-19 virus and the difficulty in creating a safe environment for all of us to worship, pray and learn together. The Delta variant is posing some new challenges with break-through infections and we want to protect the least among us, including our children and aged.
For questions regarding Diocesan Convention, please contact Canon Alexis Guszick.