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the (repudiation of) Doctrine of Discovery for Clergy in the Northern Tier, West Branch, Altoona and Susquehanna Convocations

September 28, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

This event is open to Diocesan Clergy in the Northern Tier, West Branch, Altoona and Susquehanna Convocations

We will have The Rev. Bradley S. Hauff, the Presiding Bishop’s Missioner for Indigenous Ministries collaborating with our own The Rev. Jody Barthle to lead us in our time of prayer and study. The Rev. Barthle (Transfiguration, Blue Ridge Summit and Calvary Chapel, Beartown) is an indigenous minister and a member of the Chickahominy tribe. Jody grew up in Providence Forge beside the Chickahominy River in Virginia. The Rev. Hauff has served congregations in Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, South Dakota and Texas. Hauff is enrolled with the Oglala Sioux Tribe, headquartered in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

To read his bio, please follow this link: https://www.episcopalnewsservice.org/2017/01/26/bradley-s-hauff-named-episcopal-church-indigenous-missioner/

For those attending on the 28th, it will include a luncheon.

2018- D011 Reaffirm Clergy Training on the Doctrine of Discovery

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, in accordance with the directive to all dioceses made by the 76th, 77th and 78th General Conventions, most recently with resolution 2015-A024, advance the education of all those seeking ordination in the Church by recommending a minimum of four hours of training on the Doctrine of Discovery; and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention direct the Indigenous Missioner of the Presiding Bishop’s Office to identify and appoint indigenous representatives to provide training on the Doctrine of Discovery to those seeking ordination, such that the Office of Indigenous Ministries provide direction to and oversight of the Doctrine of Discovery training program; and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention encourage seminaries and local clergy formation programs to allocate funds from their organizational budgets or pursue available grant funding for the provision of four hours of training on the Doctrine of Discovery for those seeking ordination.


2015- A024 Direct Dioceses to Examine the Impact of the Doctrine of Discovery

Resolved, That the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, in accordance with our Baptismal Covenant and in the spirit of being inclusive, reaffirm and renew the directive to all dioceses, made by the 76th and 77th General Conventions, to examine the impact, including acts of racial discrimination, racial profiling, and other race-based acts of oppression, that the repudiated Doctrine of Discovery, as well as the related Doctrine of Manifest Destiny, has had on all people, especially on people of color and indigenous peoples.


September 28, 2022
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category: