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Theology and Mental Health

July 10 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us for a 7-week course at the Stevenson School for Ministry to address theological questions prompted by the experience of mental health issues, as well as practical pastoral concerns involved in addressing psychological disorder. 

This course will consider broad theological themes of embodiment, experience, language, healing, and the church, deepening concepts of what it means to be human in order to better address the complex questions raised by mental health issues. These discussions will frame engagement with particular modes of suffering including depression, anxiety, psychosis, bipolar, addiction(s), and eating disorders. Readings will be drawn from leading theologians as well as clinical literature, and lectures will add a further level of reflection by introducing key philosophical concepts and questions from the field of phenomenological psychopathology.

This 7 week class will meet on Zoom Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm beginning July 10 and ending August 21.

The cost of this course offsets the operating costs of the Stevenson School for Ministry. SSFM is dedicated to the lifelong learning and discernment processes of all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and beyond.

If the cost would prevent you from participating, please email ssfm@diocesecpa.org for a discount code.




July 10
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm