Ordination of Allison Carnahan

If youare unable to attend, the service will be livestreamed The Zoom linkis: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85694273188?pwd=cnlJSk1FRUgrWFVhYm1LSm9mU2FTZz09   Clergyare invited to vest and process wearing Red Stoles                                                            RSVP by August 15, 2021Rev. Allison Carnahan, 125 […]

Social Justice Webinar

This two-hour Zoom webinar will be presented on August 28 from 10 am – noon by The Rev. Kevin Barron and The Rev. Carla Christopher Wilson.Our goal is to find […]

Decolonizing Christ Art Exhibit Opening

An art exhibit that invites us to join a conversation about ways in which the image of Jesus of Nazareth informs and deforms our understanding of God. The exhibit will […]