Discussion Group for Church Musicians
Canon Morrow will host a discussion group for church musicians via Zoom. The meeting is scheduled for August 27th at 6 PM. Please share this information and invite your church […]
Canon Morrow will host a discussion group for church musicians via Zoom. The meeting is scheduled for August 27th at 6 PM. Please share this information and invite your church […]
Chris Streeter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97157940962?pwd=c21UbTJUZTdHUnVqNllSeWVZYzIwUT09 Meeting ID: 971 5794 0962 Password: 524677 One tap mobile +13126266799,,97157940962# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,97157940962# US (New […]
Description:You and your community have been working faithfully during this period of pandemic to offer worship in creative and exciting ways. As we begin returning to our sacred spaces, many […]