October 25, 2024
Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA
This week, join Bishop Scanlan for an exclusive tour of her prayer shack, a sneak peek at exciting upcoming events, and the launch of a brand-new six-week video series diving into inspiring Bible stories. Tune in now!
Making Spiritual Discipleship a Priority – Hybrid Workshop
Friday, November 15, 2-3:30 pm eastern
The Rev. Jay Sidebotham, founder of RenewalWorks, will share research from over 300 Episcopal congregations. The workshops will discuss those things which contribute to spiritual growth in our churches. We’ll also explore the ways we understand spiritual growth, and share thoughts on why it is so important for our congregations. The research we share will give a snapshot of where many Episcopal congregations find themselves these days, and offer ways that congregations can move forward in a deeper, more vital spiritual life. This hybrid workshop will be delivered via Zoom or in-person at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA. Learn more and register.
A *FREE* Day of Formation for Church Leaders
All church leadership and vestry members are invited to this workshop day, sponsored by the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. This day will provide resources and sessions that will assist in forming leadership to be a part of strong, knowledgeable vestries. Registration is complimentary and includes lunch for all participants.
The day’s plenary session will include an overview of vestry and church polity and a special presentation by the Rev. Jay Sidebotham on vestry as spiritual leaders.
To learn more and register, click here.