Statement from Bishop Scanlan on Trump rally shooting: “I pray that we may do better at loving each other.”


Dear members of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania:

I received word of yesterday’s shooting of former President Donald Trump while I’ve been on a regional visitation in our Northern Tier- a place (Potter County) that is called “God’s Country.” I am deeply saddened that violence has entered our political process. I pray for Mr. Trump’s recovery, for his family, and for all those who witnessed the shooting. I also pray for the spectator who was killed, the innocent bystanders who were injured, in thanksgiving for the quick action of first responders, and for the shooter.

God’s dream for us is that we will live in harmony, reconciled to God and each other. As Christians, we follow Jesus, who showed us God’s Way of Love. There is no room in God’s dream for political violence nor the scourge of gun violence that plagues our country. I pray that we may do better at loving each other.

May we all strive to be agents of peace as we follow Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

In the love of Christ,

+ Audrey

The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan
XI Bishop

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