“It takes a village to raise a child, and I choose to be an actively participating member of my village.” -Megan Davis
In partnership with Hope Church and St. Thomas, St. John’s applied for a Shaped by Faith grant for the renovation of Beth Shalom’s backyard. I am thrilled to announce that our diocese blessed us with the grant! Praise God!!!
The families and staff of Beth Shalom are overjoyed in the knowledge that is going forward; children will have a safe place to play, and mothers will feel the sunshine on their faces. Please consider signing up for one or more of our teams on the work days you are available for as long as you are available. All genders are welcome to help out but, once you know, please do not share the address of this safe house with anyone who is not part of a team.
In gratitude for community,
Sister Stacey, Deacon
Work Days: 10 am-4 pm. May 4th, 16th, 18th and June 1st. June 1st will include a Blessing of the Backyard and Eucharist Service.
Rain dates will be set as necessary.
- Hospitality: Provides snacks, refreshments, and lunch for volunteers and families. Funding will be provided.
- Landscaping: Lays grass seed, trim bushes, wedding, lays marble chip landscape rock where needed.
- Pressure Washing: Washes cement patio, pavers, and vinyl fencing.
- Garden: Plant ground cover under a shade tree and place a cement cross. With Beth Shalom children available, set up raised vegetable garden beds.
- Construction Team: Reinforce the swing set with hardware. Install 20 outdoor solar lights along the fencing. Dispose of broken plastic chairs and tables. Put together 2 steel adult and 2 children’s picnic tables and 2 table umbrellas.
- Toy Team: Transport outdoor toys from St. John’s to the backyard, set them up, and wipe them down.
To sign up, email or Call Sister Stacey or call (717) 799-9764.