Parochial Report

Parishes of the Episcopal Church are required to complete a Parochial Report annually per CANON 1.6.1-5 of the Episcopal Church. Filing must be completed online no later than March 1st. The Parochial Report is a vital resource for The Episcopal Church, dioceses, and parishes. These reports provide insight into the State of the Church quantitatively in many areas such as membership, attendance, and finances.

Parishes can access the Parochial Report filing page by visiting

The “Welcome” page is where parishes enter their “Login name” and “Password”. The “Login name” is an email address the parish assigned in a previous filing. When setting up access, parishes provided their own password. If you need to reset your password, you must have access to the email address using in the “Login name”. If your parish has lost or no longer has access to the account’s email address, please contact Canon Linder to have your account reset.

Below are links to a blank PDF version of the report along with a detailed instruction guide providing specific guidance for each question.

Last Updated 3/11/2022 – CL

Table of Contents