Diocesan Digest: June 2021

24 June 2021

Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA,

Scroll below to read about diocesan convention, news and happenings, and opportunities from The Stevenson School for Ministry.

All About Convention

* This year, Convention will be a business meeting that will be held on Zoom the evening of October 14 from 6 to 9 pm.

* The following weekend on Saturday, October 23, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will join us to celebrate our common faith and the renewal and rebirth of ministry in the post-covid era. This event will be held at Spooky Nook in Lancaster and will include a children’s event, worship service, celebration, and luncheon. All are welcome to attend. Details will be updated at https://diocesecpa.org/diocesanconvention/ as they develop.

Mark your Calendars
Thursday, October 14th: Diocesan Convention Online business meeting, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Saturday, October 23rd: In-person celebration and worship service with the Presiding Bishop Curry at Spooky Nook in Lancaster.

Please make certain your parish has submitted all needed documentation. Parish Data Needed: If you have not done so already, please submit the following documentation:
1) Church/Vestry Leadership Form
2) Parish Annual Meeting Date
3) Certification of Lay Delegates to Convention Form
For questions, please contact Canon Guszick, aguszick@diocesecpa.org

Diocesan News and Happenings





Request from Diocesan Migration Ministry Resource Group to Assist Newly Arriving Refugees
Church World Service (CWS) has requested the donation of GIANT gift cards from any denomination to aid newly arriving refugee families from the Congo, Syria, and Myanmar. Please send the cards to the Diocesan office in Harrisburg at Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, DMMR, PO Box 11937, Harrisburg, PA 17108, and we will ensure that they are promptly delivered to our contact person at CWS. The committee thanks you for your generosity and your support of this ministry.

Save the Date for
The Love Gala
Sunday, September 19th
The Love Gala will be held at St. Andrew’s in the Valley on Sunday, September 19th from 2:30 – 4:30 pm. Sponsored by the Bishop Nathan Baxter Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians and in support of the Dr. George H. and Mrs. Hettie S. Love “Love of Learning” Scholarship.

The deadline for submissions has been extended to July 15
Share with us ways that your parish has creatively responded during the pandemic. The date of the virtual conference is September 11, 2021.
Lessons Learned: A call for papers reflecting theologically on the Church’s faithful response to the COVID-19 pandemic
From the task force on Theology and Ecclesiology: “A call for papers” to develop a compendium of articles to gain an historical perspective on how the church responded theologically and practically during a time of Pandemic, social division, and disruptive unrest. A virtual conference will be held where five of the papers will be presented. For more information, click here. Submissions can include video, power point, podcast, or other creative media.



Bishop Out of the Box
Thursday, July 1at 2 PM
For the July Bishop Out of the Box, Bishop Scanlan will be the in Lancaster area working with Deacon Stacey Catigano, serving the homeless. This event will be properly social distanced and follow recommended CDC COVID-19 Guidelines.
If you would like to get involved, please contact scatigano@gmail.com.
Planning for Wellness (PFW) Conferences
Province III – Washington DC on September 8-9

Starting this fall, CPG will combine scheduled events into Provincial PFWs instead of separate Diocesan PFWs. CPG will provide a conference in each of the 8 provinces annually. This will give active clergy and their spouses/partners the opportunity to choose where s/he would like to attend and the date that works best for them. They are also introducing a virtual PFW event in the fall to provide active clergy with another chance to focus on their well-being, even if an in-person conference is not possible or convenient for them. Our diocese is invited to attend in Washington DC.
Save the Date
Fall Convocation Meetings
Thursday, Sept. 30: Lancaster & Southern Tuesday Oct., 5: Harrisburg & Susquehanna Wednesday Oct. 6: NT, WB, Altoona
We strongly suggest that all who are planning to attend Annual Convention, participate in their Convocation’s meeting.
These meetings are preparation for Diocesan Convention. We will provide instructions and an orientation for our online business meeting. The meetings are for diocesan clergy, lay delegates, and alternates to Convention, Parish Wardens, Treasurers, Volunteers, and anyone who wants to be involved in diocesan work.

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Featured Courses
Holy Listening:
Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30,
June 22nd – July 20th,  
Led by The Rev. Marsha Roscoe.
Explore the spiritual practice of holy listening in community. As we seek to live into our shared identity
and common life together in small groups, we will practice full attention and presence to one another.
Five sessions (Cost $45.00/ or SBF voucher). Please click here (link expired) and follow registration instructions.
Prayer Practices
for Parish Life:
7:00 to 8:30,
August 17 – September 21.
This 6-session module will empower leaders in small groups to deepen spiritual practices, including the
use of the BCP, saying the Daily Offices, extemporaneous prayer, prayer in action, creative expressions of prayer, prayer through Holy Silence, and Taize. Led by both clergy and laity (Free). Please click here (link expired)and follow registration instructions.
Equipping Small Group Leaders
Oct. 19 – Nov. 9
Save the Date
This five-session online module emphasizes the fact that a small group leader is not a teacher, but rather a holder of sacred space for respectful conversation, shared learnings, and deepening faith.
Dr. Angela D. Schaffner, author of Gather Us In: Leading Transformational Small Groups, will invite deep self-reflection about the role of a small group leader. Students will learn to be fully present and attuned in a way that creates meaningful transformation for members of any small group.

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