Extended Deadline: July 15th
Lessons Learned: A call for papers reflecting theologically on the Church’s faithful response to the COVID-19 pandemic
During this time of disorientation, uncertainty, and change, God’s call to us has not changed: as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be a people of faith, hope, and love. Our faithful response to that call depends on discerning how the Spirit is at work in our individual lives and in the communities to which we belong.
“A call for papers” to develop a compendium of articles to gain an historical perspective on how the church responded theologically and practically during a time of Pandemic and social division and disruptive unrest. To present a virtual conference where five of the papers will be presented.
Papers presented can include video, power point, podcast, or other creative media.
Paper topic options –please choose one category.
- Christian Community and COVID
Focus example: Theological reflection on the experience of being church that is both sheltered /unsheltered, Virtual/actual preaching, quarantined / hybrid in person and virtual community. Following the Jesus movement during and after a time of pandemic
- Christian Virtues and Covid:
Theological reflection on Patience, hope, resiliency, solidarity, sacrifice during the time of COVID-19 and what values will continue to shape the church.
- Sacramental Theology
Theological Reflection on virtual communion, baptism, confirmation during COVID-19 and post-COVID-19.
- Church Leadership during/post COVID
Theological reflection how the church has changed and will continue to change as a result of the pandemic. How do church leaders help create a prayerful environment online? Leading change during time of crisis. Best practices/models gleaned from the field of organization development.
- Pastoral Theology
Theological reflection on pastoral care; methods of pastoral visitation, time of death, healing services, lay Eucharistic ministry. Care for people on the margins.
- Social Justice
Theological reflection tending to racial justice, the experience of mission, living in the spirituality of the Beatitudes. Living out our baptismal call for justice; outreach, advocacy, service in the neighborhood.
The deadline for submission is July 15th, 2021. To submit your document, please click here to complete the form. For a style guide, click here.
- The panel of experts will choose a top choice in each category. The writer will receive a $500.00 award
- Honorable mentions will also be awarded and two $50.00 prizes in each category will be selected.
- Each submission will receive a certificate of appreciation and feedback from our panel of experts.
A virtual conference with Dr. Lisa Kimball will be held on September 11, 2021, and the top five papers will be presented. Details will be forthcoming.
For questions, please contact The Rev. Canon Chris Streeter, The Rev. Canon Dan Morrow, or the Very Rev. Robyn Szoke-Coolidge.