United Thank Offering


The United Thank Offering addresses compelling human need through grants to projects that alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally, within the Anglican provinces, dioceses, and companion dioceses.

Mission: Expand the circle of thankful people.

Vision: Significantly impact the lives of women and children because of God’s love.


Be sure to send all donations to:

Cindy Mohr
203 W. Market Street
Marietta, PA 17547-1413

Make checks payable to: Diocese of Central Pennsylvania/UTO

Smart Phone?

UTO barcodeDo you have a smartphone?  Check this out!

A new way to give thanks to God for our many blessings through The United Thank Offering.

First, download a scanner app – iPhone can use your camera or a QR scanner app, then scan this barcode and see that it takes you directly to the UTO website – click the red button and choose United Thank Offering to either give one time or schedule recurring giving.

What a fun way to give while on the go.

No Smart Phone?

Visit the UTO website at www.utochange.org and click on the red give button to give online with a debit or credit card.


Province III UTO Representative
Joyce Douglas

Episcopal Church Office
The Rev. Margaret R. Rose
New York, NY
(212) 922-5354

Antoinette (Toni) Daniels
New York, NY
(212) 716-6332

Website: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/united-thank-offering

United Thank Offering is on Facebook!

Order UTO materials: https://shimaofnavajoland.com/collections/United-Thank-Offering or (866) 937-2772


Table of Contents